Tuesday, 9 February 2016

PUMPKINS ! ! ! How is yours growing? .... REMEMBER that size really doesn't matter ... There will be prizes for all sorts of imaginative categories ! KEEP UP the GREAT GROWING effort. :-)

UPDATE ... HERE's  a PHOTO !!!!    WHEW .. Mine is starting to grow at last (BUT it is still the wee one in the photo)!!!!

5 WEEKS of incredible growth TO GO (Judging is at the END of MARCH) .... Your PUMPKIN will grow very rapidly from now on.

WATER WATER WATER and FEED  .... GIVE it whatever you can ... COMPOST ... HORSE / CHICKEN. MANURE ... SEAWEED ... Whatever Mum or Dad might suggest .... 

Remember to remove the growing tips so that all the plants energy now goes into the BIG PUMPKIN ... Have FUN :-)