Thursday, 20 February 2014

Waves at Ocean Beach

A Wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another.
Forces acting to create waves include:
·        Gravity
·        Wind
·        Earthquakes and
·        Friction (resistance) of the seabed.

Giant Slug found on damp wood

The "Tiger slug" Limax maximus (L.) is the largest slug introduced to New Zealand from Europe. Tiger slugs eat plant matter, but also prey on other slugs.
Slugs and snails belong to the class Gastropoda of molluscs (soft-bodied animals). Most gastropods are aquatic, but one group (subclass Pulmonata) have expanded into terrestrial habitats. Terrestrial snails and slugs in New Zealand are extremely diverse, and come in a variety of colours, shapes and sizes. 

New Zealand has more than 1400 species of snails and slugs.

Monday, 10 February 2014

A BEE Pollinating a Flower in my Garden

Pollination of flowers by bees enables plants to produce seed to grow new plants.  Because bees pollinate the flowers of most of the planet's food crops (plus many other trees and plants), the world would change drastically if bees were to die out. 
What do you think these changes might be?